How to Compute Your Overall GWA

The Overall Grade Weighted Average (GWA) is more than just a number on a report card. It’s a representation of a student’s academic performance throughout their academic journey.

Understanding and computing your Overall GWA is a valuable skill for every student. This is especially crucial when applying for scholarships, seeking admissions in higher education institutions, and gauging academic performance for personal insight. If you’re a senior high student, you might also find our previous article on calculating senior high GWA

Understanding GWA: The Basics

Before we dive into the actual computation, it’s essential to grasp what GWA is and its significance.

1. What is GWA?

GWA stands for Grade Weighted Average. It’s a way to find an average grade that considers the credit units of each subject. In simple terms, it weighs each grade by the importance or “weight” of the subject.

2. Why is it Important?

GWA is used in various academic scenarios such as:

  • Applying for scholarships
  • Seeking admissions in higher education institutions
  • Gauging academic performance for personal insight

Step-by-Step Guide on Computing GWA

Now that you’ve got a basic understanding of GWA, let’s go through the steps to compute it.

1. List Down All Your Subjects and Their Corresponding Grades

Start by creating a table where you list all your subjects, their respective grades, and credit units.

2. Multiply Each Grade by Its Credit Units

For each subject, multiply the grade you received by its credit units. This will give you the weighted grade for each subject.

3. Sum Up All the Weighted Grades

Once you’ve calculated the weighted grade for each subject, add them all together. This sum is the total weighted grade.

4. Sum Up All the Credit Units

Similarly, add up all the credit units for all the subjects. This gives you the total credit units.

5. Divide the Total Weighted Grade by the Total Credit Units

Take the total weighted grade and divide it by the total credit units. The resulting number is your Overall GWA.

Tips and Best Practices

Computing your GWA is pretty straightforward, but here are a few additional insights to ensure accuracy:

  • Consistent Grading Scale: Ensure you’re using a consistent grading scale. If some of your grades are on a different scale, you’ll need to convert them to match the rest. For a detailed guide on converting grades, refer to our previous article on Converting GWA Grades
  • Double-check Your Figures: It’s easy to make mistakes with numbers, especially when dealing with multiple subjects and grades. Always double-check your calculations.
  • Keep Track of Past Grades: If you’re computing your GWA over multiple semesters or years, maintain a record of your past grades and credit units. It’ll save you time in the long run and ensure accuracy.


Understanding and computing your Overall GWA is a valuable skill for every student. While the process might seem daunting at first, breaking it down step by step makes it manageable. So, next time you’re curious about your academic performance or need your GWA for an application, you’ll know exactly how to calculate it.

Remember, while grades are an indicator of academic achievement, they don’t define you as a person. Always strive for personal growth alongside academic excellence!

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