How to Compute GWA in Senior High School

Navigating through senior high school can be quite a task, with projects, exams, and extracurricular activities all vying for a student’s attention.

One important aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked is the General Weighted Average (GWA). It’s a crucial figure for college applications and future opportunities. But how does one compute it? Let’s explore!

Understanding the GWA

In the process of computing your General Weighted Average (GWA), it’s essential to understand the weight of each subject and how it contributes to the overall score.

This is similar to the approach we discussed in a previous article on how to Compute Final Grade. Understanding the nuances of final grades will provide you with a solid foundation for comprehending the intricacies of your GWA calculation.

Steps to Compute Your GWA

1. Gather Your Grades

Start by listing down all the subjects you’ve taken and the respective grades you’ve earned. Ensure you include both core subjects and any elective or specialized tracks you might have taken.

2. Understand the Weight of Each Subject

Different subjects might carry different weights. For instance, core subjects may have a higher weight than electives. Check your school’s specific guidelines to understand how each subject contributes to your GWA.

3. Multiply Grade by Weight

For each subject, multiply your grade by its weight. This will give you the weighted score for each course.

4. Total Your Weighted Scores

Add together all your weighted scores. This will give you a cumulative figure.

5. Divide by Total Number of Units

To get your GWA, divide your cumulative weighted score by the total number of units or credits you’ve taken. This will give you an average that considers the weight of each subject.

Why Your GWA Matters

While your GWA is just a number, it holds significant value. Here’s why:

  • College Applications: Many colleges and universities use the GWA as a criterion for admission. A good GWA can be an indicator of a student’s dedication and capability.
  • Scholarships: Many scholarships have a GWA threshold. Meeting or exceeding this can make you eligible for financial assistance.
  • Personal Benchmark: Beyond external factors, your GWA can serve as a personal benchmark. It can help you understand areas of strength and those that might need a little more attention.

Tips for Improving Your GWA

  • Consistent Study Habits: Instead of cramming, set a regular study schedule. This promotes better retention and understanding.
  • Ask for Help: If you’re struggling with a subject, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s a teacher, tutor, or a study group, there are resources available.
  • Stay Organized: Use planners, apps, or simple to-do lists to keep track of assignments, tests, and projects.


Computing your GWA in senior high school is more than just a mathematical exercise; it’s a reflection of your academic journey. While it’s essential to aim for a good GWA, remember that learning and personal growth are just as vital. So, while you work towards that perfect score, don’t forget to enjoy the journey of knowledge along the way.

For a detailed guide on how to compute your overall GWA, check out our article on Compute Your Overall GWA. This resource provides step-by-step instructions and additional insights into understanding the significance of your General Weighted Average.

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