How to Compute GWA Grades in College Philippines?

Embarking on your college journey comes with its own set of academic metrics, one of the most crucial being the General Weighted Average (GWA). If you’re unfamiliar with what GWA is, you can check out our article on What Is GWA for a comprehensive overview.

A robust reflection of your dedication, understanding, and skills, GWA can open doors to numerous opportunities. Let’s decode the process and significance of calculating this vital average with precision and clarity.

Understanding College Grading Systems

To truly master the GWA computation, one must first grasp the intricacies of the college grading system.

  • Diverse Grading Scales: Unlike high school, colleges often employ multiple grading scales. These can range from traditional letter grades (A, B, C) to point systems.
  • Course Units and Credit Hours: In college, not all courses weigh the same. Some might have more credit hours or units than others, influencing the GWA.
  • Advanced Courses: Taking honors or specialized courses can impact your GWA, reflecting your drive for academic excellence.

Step-by-Step Process to Compute GWA for College

  1. Course Listing: Begin by jotting down all the courses you’ve enrolled in.
  2. Grade Points: Assign points to each grade you’ve secured.
  3. Factor in Credit Hours: Multiply the grade points by the course’s credit hours.
  4. The Grand Calculation: Sum up all the results and divide by the total credit hours to arrive at your GWA.

Grade Points: Assign points to each grade you’ve secured. If you’re looking for a straightforward way to convert GWA to a percentage or vice versa, check out our GWA to Percentage Calculator

Embracing Semester Influences

Your academic journey in college is segmented into semesters or terms, each influencing your GWA.

  • Semester vs. Cumulative GWA: Your performance in a single semester can shape your GWA for that term, but your cumulative GWA evolves over your college years.
  • Course Retakes: Redoing courses to improve grades can enhance your GWA, reflecting your commitment to academic growth.

GWA: Your Launchpad to Brighter Horizons

A commendable GWA can amplify your chances in various spheres:

  • Graduate School Admissions: High GWA scores can be your ticket to prestigious graduate programs.
  • Job Market Edge: Employers often gauge fresh graduates’ academic prowess through their GWA, making it a key to promising job opportunities.


How do extracurricular activities impact my GWA?

While extracurricular activities showcase a holistic approach to college life, they do not directly influence your GWA. However, they can complement your GWA in showcasing a well-rounded profile.

Is it advisable to retake courses for a better grade?

Absolutely. If you believe that a retake can significantly improve your grade and, in turn, your GWA, it’s a worthy endeavor. However, it’s essential to weigh the time and effort involved.

How often should I calculate my GWA?

It’s beneficial to compute your GWA at the end of each semester to keep track of your academic progress and strategize for future terms.

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