Grading System in National University Philippines

The grading system in Philippine national universities serves as the cornerstone for assessing student performance and progress. It’s a structured framework designed to provide feedback to students on their academic achievements.

The Grading Scale: A Numerical Perspective

The numerical grading system in Philippine national universities forms the basis for calculating important metrics like GPA or GWA. To understand the relationship between the grading system and these metrics, refer to our article on GPA vs. GWA.

At its core, Philippine universities typically employ a numerical grading system. Here’s how it typically breaks down:

  • 1.00 – 1.25: Excellent
  • 1.50 – 1.75: Very Good
  • 2.00 – 2.25: Good
  • 2.50 – 2.75: Satisfactory
  • 3.00: Passing
  • 5.00: Failure

It’s important to note that the numerical values may vary slightly between institutions, but the above is a common framework.

Most Common Secondary

ScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
95.00 – 100.00ExcellentA
90.00 – 94.99Very GoodB+
85.00 – 89.99GoodB
80.00 – 84.99SatisfactoryC
75.00 – 79.99Fairly SatisfactoryC
0.00 – 74.99Needs Special HelpF

Secondary (Philippine Science High School System)

ScaleScale 2Grade DescriptionUS Grade
1.00 – 1.2597.00 – 100.00ExcellentA
1.25 – 1.4994.00 – 96.99Very goodA-
1.50 – 1.7491.00 – 93.99Very goodB+
1.75 – 1.9988.00 – 90.99GoodB
2.00 – 2.2485.00 – 87.99GoodB-
2.25 – 2.4982.00 – 84.99SatisfactoryC+
2.50 – 2.7480.00 – 81.99SatisfactoryC
2.75 – 2.9978.00 – 79.99UnsatisfactoryC-
3.00 – 3.9975.00 – 77.99UnsatisfactoryD+
4.00 – 4.9970.00 – 74.99ConditionalD
5.00 – 5.000.00 – 69.99FailF

Consistency with the K-12 System

With the recent shift to the K-12 educational system, national universities in the Philippines have worked towards aligning their grading systems with this new structure to maintain consistency and ensure a smooth transition for students entering tertiary education.

The Impact on Student Learning

The impact of this grading system on student learning is significant. It not only evaluates knowledge and skill proficiency but also influences student motivation. Understanding how one’s performance translates into grades can either spur further effort or cause complacency.

Beyond Numbers: Other Forms of Assessment

Philippine universities also incorporate other forms of assessment such as thesis defense, practical exams, and oral presentations, which offer a broader evaluation of student capabilities beyond written tests.

The Role of Continuous Assessment

Continuous assessment through quizzes, assignments, and projects is a key feature of the Philippine educational system, providing ongoing feedback and opportunities for improvement.

Challenges and Reforms

Despite its structured approach, the grading system is not without challenges. Discussions on its reform and the exploration of alternative evaluation methods that focus on competency rather than memorization are ongoing in the academic community.

Conclusion: A System Evolving with Education

The grading system in the Philippines’ national universities is more than just a measure of academic success; it’s a tool for growth and a reflection of the evolving educational landscape.

As the system continues to adapt, it aims to cater better to the diverse learning needs of students and prepare them for the complexities of the modern world.

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