Deped Grading System Philippines

The Philippines’ Department of Education (DepEd) has developed a grading system that has played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s education landscape.

Through this article, we’ll demystify the intricacies of the “DepEd grading system Philippines” and illustrate its significance in ensuring quality education.

Similar to the DepEd grading system, various educational institutions in the Philippines, such as the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), have their own unique grading systems.

The Genesis of the DepEd Grading System

The DepEd grading system is part of a broader educational framework in the Philippines. It complements the grading systems used in higher education institutions, such as the college grading system.

If you’re interested in understanding how grading evolves in the transition from basic education to college, you can explore our article on the College Grading System in the Philippines.

This system was established to promote fairness, objectivity, and clarity in assessing student performance.

Key Components of the System

  • K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum: Introduced in 2013, the K to 12 program expanded the basic education system. With this came the need for a more comprehensive grading system to evaluate learners from Kindergarten up to Grade 12.
  • The 70-30 Percentage Weight: A salient feature of the grading system is its weight distribution. Seventy percent (70%) is allotted for written outputs, including quizzes, seatwork, and exams. Thirty percent (30%) goes to performance tasks like projects and presentations.
  • Transmutation Formula: To convert raw scores to weighted scores, DepEd employs a transmutation formula. This ensures that grades are reflective of both effort and capability.

The Significance of the Grading System

  1. Objective Evaluation: The standardized approach allows educators to assess students based on performance and not on personal biases.
  2. Recognition of Multiple Intelligences: By allocating percentages to various tasks, the system acknowledges that students excel in different areas, be it written exams or hands-on projects.
  3. Feedback Mechanism: The system facilitates feedback between teachers and students, enabling students to understand their strengths and areas of improvement.

Challenges and Feedback

No system is without its hurdles. Over the years, some educators and parents have expressed concerns regarding the pressure the system might exert on students. There’s also a call for periodic revisions to ensure that the grading system keeps up with the ever-evolving educational landscape.

Embracing a Holistic Approach

While grades are essential, it’s crucial to remember that they’re just one facet of a student’s educational journey.

The DepEd grading system is a tool — a means to an end. It aims to provide students with a roadmap to navigate their academic pursuits but shouldn’t overshadow the importance of holistic learning.

Skills such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and resilience are equally crucial in shaping future-ready individuals.


The “DepEd grading system Philippines” is more than just numbers on a report card; it’s a testament to the nation’s commitment to ensuring quality education for its youth.

By understanding its components and purpose, we can better appreciate its role in molding the next generation of Filipino leaders, thinkers, and innovators.

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